I hate the time change from Standard to Daylight time. That was the one good thing about living in Arizona; we didn't have to fool around with moving the clocks. Well, OK; it did make timing long-distance calls funny sometimes.
A has a cold. So he's alternately very silly or very grumpy. This morning, I put on the Pants That Are Too Big (my mistake). So when we were at the Library, A kept wanting to reach around and pull his pants down. My second mistake was saying, "Don't do that; you'll look like a Homey." A went around giggling and mispronouncing, "I look like a Homey!"
In other Utterances Grievances, I'm in trouble for using the phrase "Raised by Wolves."
Scene: The dinner table. A has just been put into his high chair because he's too tired/sleepy to eat properly.
A: "I have to be good, or a wolf will come and eat me up!"
J and M exchange startled glances. M's turns accusatory.)
M: "Who taught him that?"
J: "Don't look at me." (J tries to figure out which cartoon to pass blame to.)
A: "Jim was raised by wolves!"
J: "No he wasn't, Jim was raised by Elly."
M: "Who taught him that?"
A: "Grampa was raised by wolves!"
J: "I did. It started with some kids in an add who shouted 'I want! I want!' instead of 'Dearest Mother, it would be ever so delightful if we might purchase...' and I think we used it a lot last week when the garbage collector ground out his cigarette in the middle of the street in front of our house."
At least I'm still allowed to use the phrase, "Act like a civilized person instead of a barbarian."
Ooops. He's just woken up and is saying something about being a Homey again. Sigh. Maybe he can be dressed by wolves.