Friday, August 28, 2009

And I heard a hoo... a hoo... a hoo...

I am resisting a sarcastic reply to A when he asks why he shouldn't use "mo'" for "more" and "bo'" for "bowl" and am instead explaining how people will treat him like a smart person when he asks for a copy of Pygmalian in Borders, but that if he uses mo' and bo', people will treat him like [an uneducated barbarian].

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Master Thespian Strikes Again

Scene. Bedtime. M and A are in A's room. J is in the kitchen.

M: "So what story would you like me to read to you tonight?"

A: "Pygmalion!"

Normally, I'd be inordinately pleased that A wants a George Bernard Shaw play read to him, but this is really part of A's plan to become an Evil Rex Harrison. Already added to the lexicon: nuisance, nonsense, gutter-snipe, baggage, "ungrateful creature," and the ever favorite, "damn, damn, damn, damn!"

Monday, August 24, 2009

At the Beach

When we were at the beach it was new moon, so the tides were extra high (and low). I'll bet this castle will last for days!

Theology of Sight.

Scene. The Breakfast table.

A: "I just dropped some food on the floor, and I'm not going to pick it up."
J: "I think M would be very disappointed if you didn't. And so would I."
A (matter-of-factly): "When you guys are dead I'm going to drop food on the floor all the time."
J (channeling Calvin's Mom): "Oh."
A: "Would you mind?"
J (using a Jehovah voice): "We would. We would look down from Heaven and see you dropping food and we would mind terribly!"
A: "No you wouldn't, because when you're dead you don't have any eye balls."

The discussion degenerated into a back-and-forth nuh-uh/uh-huh theology debate.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Beach Shot

We're back from the beach.

Friday, August 14, 2009

August Photo Safari

The latest photo safari.

We're still sort of jet-lagged.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Pirates are big here.