Friday, August 19, 2011

Two Knights Practicing

A won a blue ribbon at the fair for his painting.

He seemed surprised.  

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Missle Crisis?

J (Entering the backyard from shopping. Sees A): "Hi A; whatcha doin'?"

A: (animatedly waving a shoe around): "I'm making an effigy of George Bush!"

J: (recalling the morning's discussion of a certain foreign reporter...): "Ummmmmm...."

A: (Running off) "M said it was OK."

J: (continuing into the house and the kitchen) "Honey, our child is throwing shoes at an effigy of George Bush."

M: (looking up from salad) "Well, he went into his room to clean it before videos. But then I heard these bumping noises from his room and he said, 'I'm throwing shoes!' I made a mistake earlier when I told him about that reporter. But he was throwing cabbages at William Howard Taft first...."

I guess this is the sort of thing we can expect after reading "So You Want to be President" to A.