2009-06-12 Saturday
The Big Monopoly Party
I don't quite remember when A said that he wanted a Monopoly Party. It must have been sometime shortly after we read Mark Teague's "Pigsty," the book that started A's fascination with the Parker Brothers' classic game of capitalism.
The big question of the day was would it rain or not. So, early-ish in the humid morning, Cousin K helped with the tents and tarps, directed by Aunt M (formerly with Treasure Island).
The second question was, would I (J) have my costume ready in time. Luckily, I was; my role was "Chance, the ABBA interpretation." I taped a photo of ABBA onto my breast and had a "chance orange" caption which read, "Take a chance on me." I also had orange "Take a chance on me" cards with my phone number written on at the bottom.
A dressed up as Mr. Moneybags, with white shirt, black shoes, pants, and shoes, and tailcoat. We forgot about his cane (which was a good thing, as he very likely would have whacked someone with it).
M, with his usual flair for preparedness, strapped on his duct tape Scottie dog token, conceived, designed, created and modeled in time for it to be mailed to Grandma M's.
Grandma M wore glamorous sequins and a sash as Boardwalk (the most expensive property on the board).
LGL came in a fancy tuxedo as The Banker, which was mandatory, as he is in real life an honest-to-goodness New York City Wall Street Banker. He and A sat in the middle of the board handing out money and deeds. They had a great time, as LGL informed A that "the banker always wins."
Uncle M (Buffalo) came as a News Paper Boy and shouted out how there was a new chairman of the board (he came equipped with $50 bills, which he used as counterfeit cash curing the game). Aunt K (Buffalo) came bedecked as Marvin Gardens. Cousin M (Cursed with House Snakes) dressed in a furry hat as Vermont Avenue. His brother, Cousin P and his (P's) boyfriend, M, came as "The Dice Boys," and threw the red inflatable dice.
Cousin M (of New Paltz) dressed as a $500 bill, and Cousin M (of New Paltz) dressed as a House.
Cousin C dressed as a Hobo, and his brother B dressed in a ski outfit as Vermont Ave. Sister, Cousin D came as the person from the card who "Won Second Place in a Beauty Contest."
Aunt M (formerly with Treasure Island) and Aunt M (B, C & D's mother) dressed as Waterworks and the Electric Company, respectively. Cousin M (cursed with house snakes) did an impromptu wire-job so that Aunt M's faucet had twirly paper-streamer water and Aunt M's light bulb hat really lit.
Great Uncle M came as a railroad conductor, and Great Aunt J put on her jewels as Luxury Tax.
Cousin V wore a black slinky dress and a hula-hoop with a tin-foil diamond on it, also as Luxury Tax. Her husband, J, came in his real-live honest-to-goodness Police Uniform (he left his gun and handcuffs at home, but brought a water squirter).
Cousin K (Works Hard) dressed up as Oriental Avenue. Cousin K (from Russia with Love) dressed up as the Statue of Liberty so she could be New York Avenue.
There were other games... and a Monopoly Board Ice Cream cake with six candles (the extra candle was for good luck). Everyone had a fun time and the party lasted until late into the night.