We made a giant Seal of the President of the United States so we could play Pin the Eagle on the Seal.
The guests colored their own eagles. There were lots of variations; the most memorable eagle was bright green and the most memorable shield had a pirate skull and crossbones on it.

We made a poster of Mount Rushmore. Originally, it was going to be mounted onto a cardboard box so kids could stick their heads through and have photo opportunities. It sort of didn't happen that way.
President Lincoln didn't come out well, and we were at the eleventh hour on this project.

And then there was the cake. The 2007 cake was a train. The 2008 cake was a
pirate ship. The 2009 cake was chocolate cupcakes and a chocolate anvil cake as the
Sword in the Stone. Last year's
Monopoly Extravaganza featured a catered ice-cream cake.

J had told A that he would make a White House cake. This required carefully measuring out the ratios in the actual building and taking a tape measure to the store to get the right marshmallows. And trimming out round parts with saucepans.

The pillars were marshmallows on toothpicks. The collumns were the most coveted part of the cake during the party.... because... well, J got a little carried away with late-night baking and there was probably a timer-set problem and not all of the cake went in at the same time and... so... some of the cake was a little over-done.

The pound cake held together fairly well. Thank goodness for toothpicks.
And then there was the icing. It was an orange sugar-icing. It should have been a butter icing. It made the cake resemble the Casa Rosada more than the White House. No pictures to protect the guilty.

Grandpa was a Very Good Sport, rented a costume, and came as George Washington.
Grandma came as herself.
J dressed as a Secret Service Man and "scanned" the guests as they arrived with his camera.
The guests came as presidents, with two pirate exceptions.

M shaved his moustache, kept his beard, and was the best dressed Abraham Lincoln there (and there was some pretty fierce competition).
In addition to pin the Eagle on the Seal, we played Pirates and Presidents (a variation of Cranes and Crows), and Elections (they had to pop balloons for the electoral votes inside). The games went fast, so we added on a few rounds of Dragon's Tail (form a conga line, the front has to grab a hanky out of the tail's back pocket).

"Uh, what did that recipe say again?"