Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sept 2011 Harvest

We went to visit Grandma J and Grandpa H at their house.

They asked us to help them harvest fruit.

Grandma had baskets.

Grandpa had tea.

We picked a lot of apples. And grapes

The dog helped. She thought the apples made good balls.

M discovered the Single Miracle Kiwi.

Then we had to cut the apples.

And peel them.

And boild and smoosh them. And somewhere along the line a Little Too Much Cinnemon was added.

Grandma did a lot of cutting.

And peeling.

Luckily, there was one of those mechanical peelers.

There was some talk of adding grapes to the sauce, but I don't think we did.

Then A wanted to play Battleship.

 But all Grandpa could find was the old Sub Search game.

We had to download the rules, as J couldn't remember them all after thirty-something years.

Obligatory tired dog picture.

Friday, September 16, 2011

A New Generation....

Scene: outside. J has emerged from the house with a cup of tea. A is prancing in the yard with a large squirt gun.

J (noticing A's stockinged feet): "Bud, put on some shoes. Where are your shoes?"

A: "My shoes are wet." (Prances over grass and pavement while waving gun.)

J: (thinking, 'And how did they get wet?'): "A, you're going to wear out your socks that running around outside with no shoes."

A: "Okay..." (Puts on cowboy boots)

J: (thinking, 'I'm sure that somewhere there are at least three ladies over 60 who are enjoying this....')