Thursday, November 17, 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Fire Temple

Scene:  The living room after school.  A has built a structure out of blocks.

A:  "J, J: do you want to see my Fire Temple?"

J (looks at the tower of blocks with a square curtain wall):  "Oh, what do they worship at the Fire Temple?"

A (gives J a sideways dog tilted look):  "They don't worship anything in the Fire Temple."

J:  "They don't worship fire?  What do they do in the Fire Temple?"

A:  "It's where all the Ninjas meet to plan their attacks."

J:  "Oh. Bud, that's called a dojo."

A:  "But J, It's a Fire. Temple."

J (channeling his Andrew Lloyd Webber):  "Aah Temple should be house of prayer."

A (Sighing, goes back to blocks).

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Oh The Horror !

Scene: The Living Room. We join a discussion about first-grade romance in progress.

A: "...Well, I don't really want to marry her. I just sort of want her to be my girlfriend. You know, sort of half-girl, half-friend."

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Ancient West....

A decided that he wanted to go as a lawman from the Wild West.

Then he decided that he wanted to put an ancient world twist onto the costume idea.

And went as a Cowboy Mummy.