Monday, May 5, 2008

It's Worse Than That, It's Art, Jim

A sat on the Sphinx the other day in our back yard. When we asked him where he was going, he said he was riding the Sphinx to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

A has discovered the kazoo. I'm not sure if I should be grateful or not that it may supplant the recorder.

Yes. I will post some pictures soon.

We've enrolled in an art class. Um. I think the parents are only allowed in to keep the kids from using scissors to eat the paint -- otherwise it's pretty much a classic Saber-tooth Curriculum class. Don't get me wrong, A's getting something out of it -- just the other week he learned that red and blue paint mixed together makes purple... but I get pretty tired of hearing, "Let the child be free to explore."

But as M pointed out, at least the art mess doesn't happen in our house.

By a coincidence, a mother from A's play group loaned me a book that is the complete antithesis of the Saber-tooth Art Class: "Drawing with Children," by Mona Brookes. I'd mention it to the Saber-tooth Art instructor, but I'm afraid A will be "invited to withdraw from the class." (Yes, there's already been parental dissent, and I'm sure there's going to be angry editorials to the local paper.)

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