Monday, November 10, 2008

Bowling for Moose

A was being a pill today. He didn't take his nap, so M said they weren't going to go anywhere (A is basically insane -- and not compatible with stores -- on days when he doesn't nap).  So later, A said that he wanted to go to ToysRus, and M reminded him that the day had been napless.  A announced that he was going to go anyway -- I wasn't there for the complete dialog because I was painting... but A's plan was to walk there (it's about five miles away and across a river).   

A (with M following) left the house on foot.

They wound up at a bowling alley about six blocks away.  Apparently this was fine with A because not only were people knocking over pins with heavy balls, but there was some sort of game where you could shoot a moose with a rifle.  

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