Sunday, February 28, 2010

Bathtime with William Blake

Scene A is taking a Very Long Bath while J reads "The Collected Works of William Blake" to him. Having dispensed with "The Tyger," "The Poison Tree," and what Mr. Blake was talking about when he "had a pretty little rose tree," we are moving forward to other poems.

A (while filling a plastic duck with water): "J, find one that's really weird."

J (flipping around the book): "Okay..." (looking for something that's only about twenty-four lines long...) "Oh. Here. -- Wow, buddy, this one was written in 1808, it's over two hundred years old. (Straightens up on the toilet).


The Door of Death is made of Gold, / That Mortal --"

A: "J! J! Does that mean that it's made of gold and when you touch it, you die?!"

J (smiling slightly at the Aladdin reference): "No, I don't think that's what it means, let's see what the rest of the poem says..."

The scene continues, concluding with a faux-British accent rendition of "And did those feet in ancient times / Walk upon England's mountains green..."
. . .

A: "J, is William Blake a little over the top?"

J: "Well... yeah."

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