Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Do You Believe in Magic ?

Scene: post-breakfast living room. A, who has checked out a few books on magic tricks, is standing at the coffee table.

A places two pennies, a dime, and a plastic piece-of-eight into a paper. Folds paper (after asking nicely for some after being admonished that playing cards mustn't be folded). Dances over it, waving hands in the air. "Ala-ka-dabrica Go away! Go away! Snick, snack, snorum!" Flings paper into the air. The observer is unsure about the trajectory of the coinage. "TaAaAa-DaAaAh!!"

Probably the most entertaining moment is when A watched J palm a coin and then still believed that J had made it magically appear ten seconds later.

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