Sunday, December 6, 2009

Son of Master Thespian

Scene: The Living Room. A & J are "rehearsing" a Pirate Play. A is a pirate. J is a pirate ghost. Opinions have been aired that J is an un-scarey, silly ghost...

J (with a white bedspread half over his head):

"Ooh! Hear my sad story, you aspiring pirates, and repent! I have been sent by the Spirit of the Sea to warn you: Turn Back from your Pirating Ways! Oh yea who have yet to take the first steps in that dreadful life called piracy, take heed!

In life I was once a fierce pirate who enjoyed the fruits of piracy. I was mean and pillaged and robbed from those poor sailors I found upon the ocean Oooh!! That I had not reveled in my wickedness! I grew in such infamy that Admiral Maynard and his crew set sail to find and pull me and my pirates down. There, on the high seas, we fought fiercely and long. But Maynard had slew Blackbeard, a greater pirate that I, and we were taken. For my wicked crimes was I taken to the courts for trial? No, not I; my crimes were too horrible. I was thrown overboard into the ocean, and I sank down. Oooh!

And as I sank, for every one of my hideous deeds, a shark came and took a bite of my body! Biting off parts for each one of my sins, until I reached the bottom, and appeared before the Spirit of the Sea with no body left at all. And the Spirit of the Sea said I could only be whole if I repented my evil ways. (Holds up arm with the hand hidden under the bedspread.) So I am DOOMED to roam the sea, warning would-be pirates to turn away from their bloody ways, until I am a man again. Ooooooh!"

(By this time, A -- whom J has failed to notice has been backing away since the sharks appeared -- runs away to his room. Several reiterations of "I'm sorry; I got carried away; that didn't really happen; I was acting; I made it all up" follow over the next hour.)

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