Saturday, October 16, 2010

Going to School!

The other night was a rough one for A. It involved M getting up and reading a couple of stories to him, and propping him up with blankets and a Really Big Bowl (just in case). At 1:30 AM.

Naturally, A did not spring Wide Awake at 5:45 AM. So we assumed that the next day would be a stay at home day.

Much later than usual (long after M had left), A's bedroom door flung open and out came A.

J: "Good morning. How's your stomach?"

A: (After a second of thought) "Good." (Another pause) "I slept a long time."

J: "Yeah, Bud. You slept so much that M and I think you should stay home from school today."

A: "But I feel fine."

J: (Noticing that school officially starts in less than a half an hour.) "Well, it's awfully late."

A: "No. J! (stomping his foot) I'm not sick!"

J: "Okay, okay; I'll take your temperature..."

He didn't have a temperature.

J: "... I don't know; it's against my better judgement..."

A (proclaiming): "I'm going to school!" (Rushes over to couch and puts on his shoes.

J: "Bud, you're in your pj's; let's get you dressed..."

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