Sunday, February 13, 2011

Ike's A's Typewriter

A has been asking for a typewriter.

For the last three weeks, when I would pick him up, he would say, "J, let's go to Goodwill and get a typewriter."  He really wanted a manual one, like the kind that my Grandmother had or like M's boss has (and which A has been allowed to play with during Christmas parties).

"I don't know, A," I said, "It's hard to find typewriters like that; and if it's more than $20, we'll have to think about budgets and stuff.  And remember, the last time you and M got a typewriter the M key didn't work and you had to take it back..."

Finally, I gave in.  We went and found a $10 typewriter.

On only a slightly different topic, we had a Pirate Valentine party today, and attempted to make Piratical Valentines.  A probably had too much sugar, got overstimulated, took a long nap and is still sort of awake right now.

He is happily channeling his inner Ike LaRue, typing "Dear M, How could you do this to me? This is not a school, it is a prison...."  He has changed every instance of "Mrs. LaRue" with "M" and "Ike" with "A." 

Just as long as he doesn't knot his sheets into a rope and attempt to climb out his window....

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