Thursday, March 31, 2011

There Are Some Things Dad Is Not Meant to Know....

Scene: After-school pick-up.

A (walking with J toward car): "J, I want a science lab in my room."

J (imagining gyroscopes, air tracks, and other Newtonian devices): "Oh, what kind of science do you want to study?"

A: "Evil Science!"

J (slowly): "Oh. Um, what exactly do you want to do in this lab?"

A: "Well, you see, I want to grow Evil Dragons that will Obey My Every Command."

J: (Wondering if someone has been sneaking a copy of Dragonsdawn out of the library) "Ah; you want to study biology, then."

1 comment:

Pomona Writer said...

Don't forget to ask for a legos Death Star (you can pretend you want to be an engineer).