Thursday, August 28, 2008

Art and Space

Well... the fallout from Space Chimps is still falling. A seems a little anxious about NASA probes, since a space probe with multiple arms played a major roll in the freeze-dipping sequences. I've tried showing him a picture of Sojourner on Mars; it doesn't have little claws, so that helps.

In the art department, A has wanted to paint (it might have something to do with our painting the house...)

This painting was done a the other day. I managed to get the painting process on video (posting soon). A was singing as he was painting, and between A changing some of the words and me being a little focused on videography, I didn't quite realize until the third chorus that he was singing "Joy to the World."

Then I looked at his picture. It's a representation of the "Joy to the World" sequence from Will Vinton's Claymation Christmas, which A watches on a semi-regular basis.

I don't know what put him in the Christmas spirit.

This one was done today. I'll see if I can get A to say anything about it.

M saw the video of the "Joy to the World" painting and says I sound like either Judy Garland with Liza Minnelli or Ethel Merman as Momma Rose.

I was extolling the child to paint on the paper and not on his hand. Sheesh.

This one reminds me of a preying mantis. By this time, A was in a silly mood, telling me to clean up the paints, and then insisting that he wanted to paint some more. I was a little cross with him, as he had started painting on his art smock (one of my old T-shirts) which I had told him not to do.

At least that exchange wasn't on video.

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